Friday, December 16, 2011

Hot toddy sauce


Dried fruit has always been part of traditional Christmas fare, but today many of us find plum pudding and brandy sauce a bit of a challenge.
Here’s a lighter alternative for your Christmas dessert, a fruity sauce to serve over icecream.

3 heaped tabs Golden Syrup, 1 cup water, 1 tab arrowroot powder, 2 tabs brandy or rum.
1 tab each of chopped almonds, cherries, raisins, sultanas, currants, apricots, and peel. (or use mixed dried fruit) 2 tabs lemon juice.
CSR_Golden_Syrup_4bf1ffa3f24b3 In a saucepan, heat the golden syrup, and allow to boil for 3 minutes.
Blend arrowroot with a little water, and add to golden syrup with the rest of the water. Add spirits and stir until boiling. Remove from heat, stir in mixed fruit, almonds, and lemon juice. Stir well and pour into a clean jar. Store in fridge.
To serve, reheat  and pour over vanilla icecream. May be garnished with whipped cream.
Best made a couple of days ahead, to allow the flavours to mellow. You can double or triple this recipe, which will keep for months. Sherry works too…

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this recipe! Annie and I have been really enjoying it since I brought some home after Xmas, and we were planning on asking you for the recipe anyway.


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